The Law

God formed his people while they were down in Egypt suffering as slaves. In his own time he brought them out from Egypt and slavery and brought them in to the wilderness. There he revealed himself to them and gave them his Law. His Law was made up of moral laws as set out in the Ten Commandments, civil laws and ceremonial laws that would set the nation up and give it the parameters God intended, until Messiah should come. The moral laws summed up what was required from God throughout all time. Its importance is that it does three things
  1. While showing God’s righteousness the law warns of, informs of, convicts and ultimately condemns each person’s unrighteousness. By nature we can’t see it but the law shows it up.
  2. It also acts as a restraint on some, even unbelievers. It acts as a deterrent. It is part of God’s common grace to us.
  3. It is a great tool for the believer in understanding God’s character and what he desires from us. It is also a means of exhortation to us to live better lives, more holy and God honouring.


God chose the Jews

It is God's purpose that just as the world was lost by a man, Adam, so it should be saved by a man, a second Adam. It was always God's purpose that the Son of God should come into the earth as a man to save his people. In order to be a man, the Son of God needed a people, an ancestry, a  culture, a set of laws, a language, a country, etc. God began this work by calling a  pagan, a Hebrew speaker called Abram who God instructed to leave Ur and come west to Harran and then Canaan. From Abram who was renamed Abraham came Isaac and then Jacob who became Israel. From him come the Israelites who began down in Egypt and were eventually redeemed from there under Moses. It is uniquely through the Jewish nation that God saved the world. That is one reason why they must always be loved and respected.


In Genesis 10 it becomes clear that from the time of Adam only one language was spoken by all human beings. However, the curse of Babel means that at that point the world was divided on language lines. We do not know how many languages were introduced at this point and which was the original language. The current languages of the world (about 6 or 7,000) are formed partly by variation but at heart no doubt go back to the originals of the time of Babel, although some languages may have been lost. The idea of all the world's languages going back to one common language is not seriously advanced by any linguist. Diversity of language in the world brings many disadvantages but also some advantages in that, for example, when one language group becomes utterly corrupt, it is easier for another one to correct it.