Angels and demons

It would appear from Scripture, although it is never spelt out in so many words, that before the creation of the world as described in Genesis, several things happened.
Firstly, God created thousands upon thousands and ten thousands of heavenly creatures - angels and other such creatures. These creatures were spiritual, not having bodies, though they were able to manifest themselves with a definiteness, to some extent.
At some point, the most beautiful and the highest placed of these angels, now known as Satan (Accuser), led a rebellion against God, a rebellion that was supported by perhaps a third of the created angels. These fallen angels (or demons) were banished from heaven but their final end in "the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matthew 25:41)  was delayed.
Since that point, Satan and his army have worked to oppose God in every way that they can. What they can do is limited and depends on God's sovereignty but some leeway is apparently given to these once holy and still powerful creatures.