Ante-diluvian life

It is clear from Genesis 4 that what we tend to think of as civilisation came in at a very early point. Even before the flood people were lving in cities, music was a common and varied thing. The use of technology aso came in early on - making tools in bronze and in iron.
It is well known that before the flood people lived to great ages - though no-one ever reached a thousand years. Such claims are literal and no doubt facilitated great advances in a life time. Some of theseearly people became truly great. They were heroes of old, achieving more than was easily possible after the flood. The cause is not clear but the flood clearly brought in great changes that considerably lessened longevity.
Although sacrifices took place pre-flood, it is possible that society was vegetarian.
The beginning of the worship of God is noted at the end of Chapter 4. The beginning of the godly and messianic line is alos noted there. One reason for the flood was the co-mingling of the two lines - the godly and the ungodly.